Wild Florida Photo Glossary
a. a united corolla having a slender tube that abruptly flares open
n. in reptiles and fish: one of a series of thin, flat, overlapping plates that form a protective covering
n. a leafless, or merely bracteate, flower stalk arising near the ground level in acaulescent plants
a. thin, dry and membranous
n. in insects: a small triangular plate or shield on the thorax, position varies by order
in botany: particularly in the grasses, a thin membrane on the seed that is believed to facilitate nutrient absorption
a. arranged on one side only
n. one division of the calyx
a. silky with appressed trichomes
a. having saw-like forward pointing teeth along the margin
n. an organ that partly or wholly surrounds another organ
n. that which is seen
n. an aid to seeing as in a device to guide the eye in aiming a firearm or other instrument
n. a straight, uninterrupted stretch, as of a road or a river
n. in a drawing, picture, etc, that part of the surface which is within the frame or the border or margin; in a frame or the like, the opening
n. a great number, quantity or sum
v. perception of objects by the eye
v. an aim or observation taken by means of a sight or sights
a. with a strongly wavy margin, more pronounced or deeper than undulate
n. the place where anything is, or is to be; as in a web site, a location
v. to posture or position
n. in some ferns, the visible clusters of spore bearing cases
p. sorus
s. sori
n. a spike with small partially embedded flowers on a thickened fleshy axis in the Araceae, this is usually subtended by a spathe
n. a unusually large and solitary bract, surrounding or subtending an inflorescence
n. an unbranched inflorescence of sessile or subsessile flowers, maturing from the bottom upwards
compare with a raceme in which the individual flowers are stalked (have pedicels)
n. in ferns, a tiny reproductive body
n. a design in a spider's web, such as is often found with the genus Argiope
n. male reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of an anther and filament
n. the portion of the pistil which is receptive to pollen
n. one of a pair of appendages found at the base of a petiole on many leaves
n. the usually narrowed portion of the pistil connecting the stigma to the ovary
a. in reptiles: one or more scales found along the upper side of the mouth and below the eye
v. to extend under or be opposite to
v. to inclose or embrace in its axil
v. to occupy an adjacent position to
a. awl-shaped