Plant Genus List
Click on the letter above to jump to the section with genera starting with that letter.
The Acacia genus has been rearranged with some species moved to the Vachellia genus.
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The Agalinis genus was previously considered a member of the figwort family. Agalinis is currently placed in the broom-rape family.
The figwort
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There is an ongoing debate as to the family that aloes and their close relatives should be placed in, Asphodelaceae, Liliaceae, or Aloaceae.
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A monotypic genus containing the single saltwort species.
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Some species in this genus are considered to be Clinopodium by some botanists.
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This genus name derived from the Greek work kampê, meaning crooked, twisted or bent and referring to the curved stamens on the inside of t
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Florida Cartrema species were previously known as Osmanthus.
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Ceiba is a genus of trees in the family Malvaceae, native to tropical and subtropical areas of the Americas (from Mexico and the Caribbean to N
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Some botanists have returned the false pawpaws of Deeringothamnus to the pawpaw genus ... more
The genus name is derived from the Greek for binding, referring to the joined segments of the fruit.
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See Potentilla - cinquefoil genus
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The Habranthus genus has been merged with the ... more
Only one species of this genus occurs in Florida - Myrcianthes fragrans.
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The pricklypear genus of cacti is undergoing taxonomic revisions.
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Plantago is the only genus of the Plantaginaceae family in Florida that has only basal leaves.
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This genus name honors Giulio Pontedera (1688-1757), an Italian botanist originally from Tuscany and later professor and director of the botanic
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This genus is named for Liberato Sabbati an 18th century Italian botanist who was keeper of the botanical garden in Rome.
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North American species of Polygala have been moved to the genus Senega {Pastore et al (2023)}.
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Three different porterweeds can be found in Florida, one native, one non-native invasive and a hybrid of the two.
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Diamondflowers are now considered to be in the genus ... more
Stokesia is a monotypic genus containing the single species known as Stokes' aster.
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A new genus containing some species that were previously in the Philodendron genus.
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Vachellia has been split off from the genus Acacia.
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