
Latest Species

Showing the ten most recently added or modified species

Hypericum myrtifolium - Myrtleleaf st.john's-wort

Thomas Co. GA 10/29/06

Hypericum hypericoides - St.andrew's-cross

Jefferson Co. FL 09/10/06

Hypericum frondosum  - Cedarglade st.john's-wort

Wilson Co. TN 04/30/21
A rare perennial shrub of hardwood forests and cedar glades of Jackson and Gadsden Counties in the Florida Panhandle. The range includes the sou
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Hypericum edisonianum - Arcadian st.john's-wort

Highlands Co. FL 02/05/05

Edison's st.john's-wort
Edison ascyrum

Hypericum cumulicola - Highlands scrub st.john's-wort

Highlands Co. FL 02/24/07

Highlands scrub hypericum

Hypericum fasciculatum - Sandweed

Lake Co. FL 04/06/12
A common St. John's-wort of wet flatwoods, pond and swamp margins and bogs throughout nearly all of Florida. The range includes the southeaster
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Peelbark st. john's-wort

Sphagnum sp. - Sphagnum moss

Volusia Co. FL 07/10/10
The photos here show moss from several locations on different dates, although they appear to be very similar and may be the same species.
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Bigelowia australis - Pineland rayless goldenrod

Osceola Co. FL 08/26/06

Peninsular pineland rayless goldenrod
Bigelowia nudata var. australis

Calamintha ashei - Ashe's calamint

Allan David Broussard Catfish Creek State Preserve, Polk Co. FL 05/16/04
An occassional plant of the sandhills and scrub of central Florida, it is also known to occur in one southeastern Georgia county. One of the d
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Ashe's savory
Ashe's calamintha
Clinopodium ashei

Silene catesbaei - Eastern fringed catchfly

Polk Co. FL (nursery) 01/06/08
This distinctive little flower occurs in the Florida panhandle near the upper Apalachicola River and Lake Seminole. Silene catesbaei is
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Fringed pink
Silene polypetala

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Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com