Animal Family List
Click on the letter above to jump to the section with family starting with that letter.
Acanaloniidae - Acanaloniid Planthoppers
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Accipitridae - Hawks & Eagles
Achatinidae - Agate Snails
Acrididae - Short-horned Grasshoppers
Aeshnidae - Darners
Alcedinidae - River Kingfishers
Alligatoridae - Alligators & Caimans
Ammotrechidae - Curve-faced Solifugid
Ampullariidae - Apple snails
Anatidae - Ducks, Geese and Swans
Anguidae - Glass and Alligator Lizards
Anhingidae - Anhingas and Darters
Apatelodidae - American Silkworm Moths
Aphididae - Aphids
Apidae - Bumble bees, Honey bees, and other bees
Aramidae - Limpkins
Araneidae - Orb-weavers
Arctiidae - Tiger moths
Ardeidae - Herons & Bitterns
Armadillidiidae - European Pillbugs
Asilidae - Robber Flies
Atypidae - Purseweb Spiders
Balaenidae - Right & Bowhead whales
Balanidae - Acorn Barnacles
Bibionidae - March Flies
Blaberidae - Giant Cockroaches
Blattidae - Cockroaches
Bombyliidae - Bee Flies
Bufonidae - Bufonidés, Bufonids, Crapauds & Toads
Buprestidae - Metallic Wood-boring Beetles
Buthidae - Arrowbreasted Scorpions
Calopterygidae - Broad-winged Damsels
Canidae - Coyotes, Foxes & Wolves
Cantharidae - Soldier beetles
Carabidae - Ground Beetles
Cardinalidae - Cardinals, Grosbeaks, and Allies
Castoridae - Beavers
Cathartidae - New world vultures
Cavoliniidae - Shelled Pteropods
Centrarchidae - Sunfish
Cerambycidae - Longhorned beetles
Cercopidae - Spittlebugs & Froghoppers
Cervidae - Deer
Charadriidae - Plovers and Lapwings
Cheloniidae - Sea Turtles
Chrysomelidae - Leaf Beetles
Chrysopidae - Green Lacewings
Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers
Cicadidae - Cicadas
Ciconiidae - Storks
Coccinellidae - Ladybugs, Ladybirds, Lady Beetles
Coenagrionidae - Narrow-winged Damselflies
Colubridae - Colubrids - nonvenomous snakes
Columbidae - Doves and Pigeons
Corbiculidae - Basket clams
Corduliidae - Emeralds
Coreidae - Leaf-footed Bugs
Corvidae - Jays, Crows & their allies
Crabronidae - Crabronid Wasps, Cicadakillers, Sand Wasps, Mud Daubers
Crambidae - Crambid Snout Moths
Crocodylidae - true crocodiles
Curculionoidae - Snout & Bark Beetles
Cynipidae - Gall Wasps
Dasypodidae - Armadillos
Delphinidae - Dolphins, Killer & Pilot Whales & relatives
Dermochelyidae - Leatherback sea turtles
Desidae - desid spiders
Didelphidae - American opossums
Donacidae - Bean Clams, Wedge Shells
Dytiscidae - Predaceous Diving Beetles
Elapidae - Cobras, Kraits, Coral & Sea snakes
Elateridae - Click Beetles
Emberizidae - Buntings, American Sparrows, and relatives
Emydidae - Box & Pond Turtles
Erebidae - Quadrifid noctuids
Eriophyidae - Gall mites
Erotylidae - Pleasing Fungus Beetles
Erythraeidae - Erythraeid mites
Evaniidae - Ensign Wasps
Falconidae - Falcons
Felidae - Cats
Flatidae - Flatid Planthoppers
Formicidae - Ants
Gaviidae - Loons
Gecarcinidae - Land Crabs
Gekkonidae - Geckos
Geometridae - Geometrid Moths
Ginglymostomatidae - Nurse Sharks
Gomphidae - Clubtails
Grapsidae - Marsh crabs, Shore crabs, Talon crabs
Gruidae - Cranes
Gryllidae - True Crickets
Haematopodidae - Oystercatchers
Halictidae - Sweat Bees
Helicidae - Helix snails
Hesperiidae - Skippers
Hylidae - True tree frogs
Icteridae - Blackbirds, Orioles and relatives
Iguanidae - Iguanas
Ixodidae - Hardbodied ticks
Laniidae - Shrikes
Largidae - Bordered Plant Bugs
Laridae - Gulls, Terns & Skimmers
Lasiocampidae - Tent Caterpillar & Lappet Moths
Leiocephalidae - Curly-tailed Lizards
Leporidae - Hares and Rabbits
Libellulidae - Skimmers
Ligiidae - Rock Slaters
Limacodidae - Slug caterpillar moths
Littorinidae - Periwinkle
Loricariidae - Armored Catfishes and Suckermouth Armored Catfishes
Lycaenidae - Gossamer-winged Butterflies
Lycidae - Net-winged beetles
Lycosidae - Wolf Spiders
Mantidae - Praying mantids
Mantispidae - Mantid Lacewings
Megachilidae - Leafcutter, Mason, and Resin Bees, and allies
Meloidae - Blister Beetles
Florida has 26 species of blister beetles. ... more
Melongenidae - Crown Conchs, Whelks and relatives
Membracidae - Treehoppers
Mephitidae - Skunks and Stink Badgers
Mimidae - Mockingbirds and Thrashers
Miridae - Plant Bugs
Molossidae - Free-tailed bats
Mordellidae - Tumbling Flower Beetles
Muridae - True Mice, Rats, Gerbils and relatives
Muscoidea - superfamily of flies
Mustelidae - Weasel
Mydidae - Mydas Flies
Noctuidae - Owlet Moths
Notodontidae - Prominent Moths
Nymphalidae - Brush-footed butterflies
Ocypodidae - Fiddler and Ghost Crabs
Oedemeridae - False Blister Beetles
Orthalicidae - Land snails
Ostreidae - True Oysters
Oxyopidae - Lynx spiders
Papilionidae - Swallowtails
Paridae - Chickadees and Titmice
Parulidae - Wood-warblers
Passerellidae - New World Sparrows
Passeridae - Old World Sparrows
Pelecanidae - Pelicans
Pentatomidae - Stink Bugs
Phalacridae - Shining Flower Beetles
Phalacrocoracidae - Cormorants
Phasianidae - Pheasants and their allies
Phrynosomatidae - North American spiny lizards and allies
Physaliidae - Man o' war
Picidae - Woodpeckers and Wrynecks
Pieridae - Whites & Sulphurs
Pisauridae - Nursery web spiders
Podicipedidae - Grebes
Polioptilidae - Gnatcatchers
Polychrotidae - Anoles
Polygyridae - Polygyrid Snails
Pompilidae - Spider Wasps
Porpitidae - Chondrophore
Potamididae - Horn Snails
Procyonidae - Raccoons & Coatis
Pseudophasmatidae - Striped Walkingsticks
Psychidae - Bagworm Moths
Pterolonchidae - Lance-wing Moths
Pterophoridae - Plume moths
Ptychopteridae - Phantom Crane Flies
Pyralidae - Snout moths
Rajidae - Skates
Rallidae - Rails & Coots
Ranidae - True frogs
Recurvirostridae - Avocets and Stilts
Reduviidae - Assassin bugs
Romaleidae - Lubber grasshoppers
Salpidae - Salp
Salticidae - Jumping spiders
Saturniidae - Giant silkworm moths
Scarabaeidae - Scarab Beetles
Scincidae - Skinks
Sciuridae - Squirrels
Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps
Scolopacidae - Sandpipers, Snipes, and relatives
Scutelleridae - Shield-backed Bugs
Sittidae - Nuthatches & relatives
Sparassidae - Giant Crab Spiders
Sphecidae - Thread-waisted Wasps
Sphingidae - Sphinx moths
Strigidae - Typical Owls
Sturnidae - Starlings
Suidae - Hogs and Pigs
Syrphidae - Syrphid Flies
Tabanidae - Horse and Deer Flies
Teiidae - Whiptails & Tegus
Tenebrionidae - Darkling Beetles
Testudinidae - Tortoises
Tetragnathidae - Longjawed Orb Weavers
Tettigoniidae - Katydids
Thomisidae - Crab spiders
Threskiornithidae - Ibises and Spoonbills
Tineidae - Clothes moths
Tipulidae - Large Crane Flies
Tortricidae - Tortricid Moths
Trichechidae - Manatees
Trionychidae - Softshell Turtles
Trochilidae - Hummingbirds
Troglodytidae - Wrens
Turdidae - Thrushes, Robins, Chats, and Wheatears
Turdidae - Thrushes
Typhlopidae - Typical Blind Snakes
Tyrannidae - Tyrant Flycatchers
Tytonidae - Barn, masked and bay owls
Ulidiidae - Picture-winged Flies
Unknown - unidentified insect family
Ursidae - Bears
Vespertilionidae - Evening & Vesper bats
Vespidae - Yellowjackets, Hornets and some Wasps
Viduidae - Indigobirds and Whydahs
Viperidae - Vipers & Pit Vipers
Vireonidae - Vireos
Xystodesmidae - Xystodesmidae Millipedes
Zygaenidae - Leaf Skeletonizer Moths
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