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All Fungi at Wild Florida Photo


An index of the various fungi images at Wild Florida Photo

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Fairy Ring

Volusia Co. FL 10/06/16
Sometimes fungi grow underground in a circular shape and after a rain, the fruiting bodies, - commonly known as mushrooms - appear around the ed ... more
Holly Hill  FL

Mushroom in the Woods

This large mushroom was growing in the woods near the trail on the lower portion of Jackrabbit Mountain in the Nantahala National Forest.
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Jackrabbit Mountain  NC

Little Talbot Fungi

Duval Co. FL 02/23/21
This is an assortment of fungi that was photographed at Little Talbot Island State Park in February 2021.
Little Talbot is a barrier is ... more
Little Talbot Island State Park  FL

Indigo Milky

A strikingly blue mushroom fruiting body emerged from the leaf litter in the woods of Wakulla State Forest.
Lactarius indigo fungi is f ... more
Wakulla State Forest  FL

White Mushrooms

Clay Co. NC 08/26/16
A selection of photos showing various white mushrooms that I have yet to confidently identify.

For a taxonomic tree and links to ... more

Lichen on Tree

Wakulla Co. FL 05/26/07
This lichen was spotted on a tree trunk along the Florida Trail in the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, not far from Shepherd Spring.
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St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge  FL

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Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com