Wild Florida Photo -Old Man Palm

Old Man Palm

Matanzas Prov, Cuba 02/19/19
Matanzas Prov, Cuba 02/19/19
Matanzas Prov, Cuba 02/19/19
Matanzas Prov, Cuba 02/19/19

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Old man palm is endemic to Cuba and criticaly endangered.
These palms grow to 10m (33 ft.) tall with a single trunk 8-20cm (3 - 8 in.) in diameter. A thick mass of wool-like fibers called thatch covers the trunk making it appear much wider. The tiny flowers are light yellow, appearing in clusters at the end of a long stalk hanging from the crown of the tree. the fruit is fleshy, 0.7-2cm (1/4 - 3/4 in.) in diameter and black or purple when mature. This interesting plant is Coccothrinax crinita, a member of the palm (Arecaceae) family.
This palm was photographed in the Matanzas province of Cuba at the Finca Coincidencias organic farm and art workshop.

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