Wild Florida Photo - Lobelia feayana - Bay Lobelia

Lobelia feayana A.Gray

Bay Lobelia

Florida native

Volusia Co. FL 03/30/23
Volusia Co. FL 03/30/23

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This is a common perennial of open moist grassy areas in most of the Florida peninsula. Once considered a state endemic, it has since been found in a neighboring Georgia county.
This mat-forming herbaceous plant has trailing stems that often root at the nodes. Basal leaves are broadly ovate to kidney-shaped and 6-17mm (1/4 to 5/8 in.) long. Stem leaves are elliptic and sometimes have shallowly crenate margins. Flowers are blue with white markings with a three-lobed lower lip and about 8mm (5/16 in.) across.
This is just one of the Florida species named in honor of William T. Feay, M.D. (1803-1879), a trained physician who became a teacher and cultivated an interest in botany, collecting plants mainly in Georgia and Florida.

Lobelia feayana is a member of the Campanulaceae - Bellflower family.

Other species of the Lobelia genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Lobelia amoena - SOUTHERN LOBELIA
  Lobelia brevifolia - SHORTLEAF LOBELIA
  Lobelia cardinalis - CARDINALFLOWER
  Lobelia georgiana - SOUTHERN LOBELIA
  Lobelia glandulosa - GLADE LOBELIA
  Lobelia paludosa - WHITE LOBELIA

Date record last modified: Aug 02, 2023

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com