Wild Florida Photo - Asimina manasota - Manasota Pawpaw

Asimina manasota DeLaney

Manasota Pawpaw
Sandhill Tippitoes

Florida native

Endemic to Florida

Manatee Co. FL 05/05/23
Manatee Co. FL 05/05/23
Manatee Co. FL 05/05/23

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A rare plant found only in Manatee and Hardee Counties of Florida.
Mature plants typically reaching at least 80cm (31-1/2 in.) tall or more. Leaves are 8 to 20 times longer than wide and are often canaliculate (channeled, or keel-shaped). Flowers have outer petals that are up to 3.5cm (1-1/3 in.) long, creamy-yellow to reddish or maroon in color. Inner petals are usually maroon but can be green or white on occasion.


Asimina manasota is a member of the Annonaceae - Custard-apple family.

Other species of the Asimina genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Asimina angustifolia - SLIMLEAF PAWPAW
  Asimina incana - WOOLLY PAWPAW
  Asimina obovata - BIGFLOWER PAWPAW
  Asimina parviflora - SMALLFLOWER PAWPAW
  Asimina pygmaea - DWARF PAWPAW
  Asimina reticulata - NETTED PAWPAW
  Asimina spatulata - LAKE JACKSON PAWPAW
  Asimina tetramera - FOURPETAL PAWPAW
  Asimina triloba - COMMON PAWPAW
  Asimina x nashii - 

Date record last modified: May 14, 2023

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com