Salvia lyrata
Lyreleaf Sage
Florida native
The common and specific names of this plant come from the often lyre shaped basal leaves, which can be either green or green mixed with purple. In Florida, LYRELEAF SAGE can bloom all year but is most noticable in early spring along roadsides. In addition to ruderal sites, S. lyrata can also be found in wooden areas and thickets.
TweetSalvia lyrata is a member of the Lamiaceae - Mint family.
Other species of the Salvia genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
Salvia coccinea - TROPICAL SAGE
Salvia misella - SOUTHERN RIVER SAGE
Salvia occidentalis - WEST INDIAN SAGE
Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants (Institute for Systemic Botany) profile for this species
USDA Plant Profile for this species
Date record last modified: Aug 07, 2016