Salvia misella Kunth
Southern River Sage
River Sage
Florida Keys Sage
Synonym(s): Salvia riparia
Florida native
A frequent plant of hammocks in much of the central and southern peninsula. The range includes the West Indies and parts of Central and South America and Mexico.
Usually creeping along the ground, this short-lived evergreen perennial will often go dormant during the winter in the cooler parts of its range. Tolerant of shade, river sage makes a nice ground cover for wooded locations. Stems usually are less than 23cm (8-9 in.) tall. The leaves are opposite, deltoid and deeply toothed with noticeable veins. The small blue flowers appear in interrupted racemes and have hairy, awned-lobed calyxes.
Salvia misella is a member of the Lamiaceae - Mint family.
Other species of the Salvia genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
Salvia coccinea - TROPICAL SAGE
Salvia lyrata - LYRELEAF SAGE
Salvia occidentalis - WEST INDIAN SAGE
Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants (Institute for Systemic Botany) profile for this species
iNaturalist profile for this species
USDA Plant Profile for this species
Date record last modified: Jul 12, 2023