Capraria biflora
Florida native
An occasional plant of coastal hammock margins and beaches in Martin & Lee Counties southward into the keys. Also found in Texas, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Cuba and other parts of the Caribbean.
Flowers are bell-shaped (campanulate) and white with five spreading lobes about 13mm (1/2 in.) wide. Goatweed is a shrub growing to 1m (3 ft.) tall and may be herbaceous or somewhat woody. Leaves are alternate, narrowly lanceolate and coarsely toothed, 1-7.5cm (3/8 to 3 in.) long and 0.5-2cm (1/4 to 3/4 in.) wide.
Capraria biflora is a member of the Scrophulariaceae - Figwort or Snapdragon family.
Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants (Institute for Systemic Botany) profile for this species
USDA Plant Profile for this species
Date record last modified: Oct 14, 2020