Wild Florida Photo - Heliotropium gnaphalodes - Sea Rosemary

Heliotropium gnaphalodes L.

Sea Rosemary
Sea Lavender

Synonym(s): Argusia gnaphalodes (Linnaeus) Heine, Tournefortia gnaphalodes (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes

Florida native

Endangered Florida species

Volusia Co. FL 03/09/17
Volusia Co. FL 03/09/17
Volusia Co. FL 03/09/17

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A rare plant of beach dunes and coastal thickets naturally occurring from Brevard County south along the eastern Florida coast into Monroe County, mainland and keys. The range extends into the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Sea rosemary grows into a medium-sized rounded shrub from 1 to 2 meters (3 -6 ft.) in height. This highly drought tolerant plant can grow in direct salt wind, but does not like constant salt spray or long-term salt water flooding. The tiny white flowers turn lavender and form on one side of curled spikes. Flowering can occur all year but peaks in the winter. Leaves are linear-spatulate and densely silky-tomemtose. Fruit is a black or brown drupe enclosed in a corky head about 0.6 cm (1/4 in.) long.
Heliotropium gnaphalodes is also known as Sea Lavender, a name it shares with a completely different plant, Limonium carolinianum of brackish marshes, salt flats, mangrove swamps and coastal strands.

View online purchase options for Sea Rosemary by Paul Rebmann View online purchase options for Sea Rosemary Flowers by Paul Rebmann

Heliotropium gnaphalodes is a member of the Boraginaceae - Borage family.

Other species of the Heliotropium genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Heliotropium angiospermum - SCORPIONSTAIL

Date record last modified: Feb 22, 2023

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com