Physalis walteri L.
Walter's Groundcherry
Sand Cherry
Dune Groundcherry
Florida native
Walter's groundcherry is a low growing herb of beach dunes, coastal strands, coastal grasslands, pinelands and disturbed sites - both coastal and inland - throughout much of Florida. The range extends through the southeastern coastal states from Louisiana to Virginia.
Physalis walteri has alternate, petioled, ovate to spatulate leaves with star-shaped hairs on the lower surface. The flowers are nodding, solitary and bell-shaped. The greenish-yellow petals are fused and have small dark areas around the center. The mature fruit is enclosed in a papery husk derived from the calyx.
Physalis walteri is a member of the Solanaceae - Potato family.
Other species of the Physalis genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
Physalis angulata - CUTLEAF GROUNDCHERRY
Physalis angustifolia - COASTAL GROUNDCHERRY
Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants (Institute for Systemic Botany) profile for this species
iNaturalist profile for this species
USDA Plant Profile for this species
Date record last modified: Nov 06, 2023