Wild Florida Photo - Verbesina virginica - Frostweed

Verbesina virginica 

White Crownbeard

Florida native

Volusia Co. FL 11/01/12
Hillsborough Co. FL 10/12/15
Volusia Co. FL 11/01/12

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A common wildflower of stream banks, open hammocks and coastal hammocks throughout much of Florida. The range includes the southeastern states and more, extending west into Texas through Kansas and north into Iowa through Pennsylvania.
The stout stems of frostweed are pubescent and can grow to 2m (6-1/2 ft.) tall. The coarsely toothed leaves are alternate, ovate to lanceolate with wings on the petioles that extend down the stem. Also called white crownbeard, the flowers are in corymbs and consist of from one to five white rays per flower and usually about 10 disk florets. Flowers appear from summer through fall, fruits are dark brown pubescent achenes.
To see why this plant is called frostweed, visit the Verbesina virginica page at 2bnthewild.com

Verbesina virginica is a member of the Asteraceae - Aster family.

Other species of the Verbesina genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Verbesina encelioides - GOLDEN CROWNBEARD

Date record last modified: Aug 07, 2016

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com