Wild Florida Photo - Syngonanthus flavidulus - Yellow Hatpins

Syngonanthus flavidulus (Michx.) Ruhl.

Yellow Hatpins

Florida native

Lake Co. FL 04/06/12
Volusia Co. FL 03/30/23
Lake Co. FL 04/06/12
Lake Co. FL 04/06/12
Lake Co. FL 04/06/12

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A common perennial wildflower of pond margins, flatwoods and wet prairies throughout most of Florida. The range includes the southeastern coastal states from Mississippi to North Carolina.
Tiny whitish-yellow flowers in hemispheric heads 5-10mm (2/10 to 4/10 inch) wide terminate slender pubescent scapes usually nearly 30cm (1 ft.) tall. The heads have straw-colored bracts on the underside. The flowers have pale petals to 3mm (1/8 in.) and translucent sepals and hairs. The The narrowly-linear grass-like leaves are 2-6cm (3/4 to 2-1/3 in.) long in dense basal tufts.


Syngonanthus flavidulus is a member of the Eriocaulaceae - Pipewort family.

Date record last modified: Sep 24, 2023

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com