Wild Florida Photo - Senega boykinii - Boykin's Milkwort

Senega boykinii (Nuttall)

Boykin's Milkwort

Synonym(s): Polygala boykinii Nutt.

Florida native

Gadsden Co. FL 05/20/10
Gadsden Co. FL 05/20/10
Gadsden Co. FL 05/20/10
Gadsden Co. FL 05/20/10

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A perennial herb of rockland pinelands, wet prairies and flatwoods along the west coast of Florida from Miami-Dade to Taylor County, also Leon, Gadsden and Jackson Counties. The range includes southwest Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, plus two counties in central Tennessee.
The inflorescence consists of terminal cylindrical spikes of small greenish-white flowers with three fused petals, the lower petal fringed. Stems to 64 cm (25 in.) tall with whorled, linear to elliptic leaves, the lower ones reduced. Fruit a spherical capsule.

Senega boykinii is a member of the Polygalaceae - Milkwort family.

Other species of the Senega genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Senega cruciata - DRUMHEADS
  Senega incarnata - PROCESSION FLOWER
  Senega lewtonii - LEWTON'S MILKWORT
  Senega lutea - ORANGE MILKWORT
  Senega nana - CANDYROOT
  Senega rugelii - YELLOW MILKWORT

Date record last modified: Aug 22, 2024

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com