Wild Florida Photo - Argemone albiflora - Bluestem Pricklypoppy

Argemone albiflora 

Bluestem Pricklypoppy
Carolina Poppy

Florida native

Volusia Co. FL 05/10/09
Volusia Co. FL 05/10/09
Volusia Co. FL 05/10/09

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An occasional wildflower of open disturbed sites and roadsides, mostly in the north and central peninsula of Florida. The range includes Louisiana, Missouri and Iowa, most states east of the Mississippi northeast into New York and Massachusetts.
Bluestem pricklypoppy is also known as Carolina poppy. The leaves are conspicuously spiny and it has large white flowers. The stems are branched, spiny and growing to 1m (~ 3 ft.) tall with alternate, sessile and clasping leaves. The large white flowers are cup shaped with four or five crinkly, white petals surrounding many yellow stamens. The fruit is a spiny capsule.

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Argemone albiflora is a member of the Papaveraceae - Poppy family.

Other species of the Argemone genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Argemone mexicana - MEXICAN PRICKLYPOPPY

Date record last modified: May 10, 2020

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com