Wild Florida Photo - Hypericum cumulicola - Highlands Scrub St.john's-wort

Hypericum cumulicola (Small)W.P.Adams

Highlands Scrub St.john's-wort
Highlands Scrub Hypericum

Florida native

Endemic to Florida

Endangered Florida species

U.S. Endangered species

Highlands Co. FL 02/24/07
Highlands Co. FL 02/24/07

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Hypericum cumulicola is a member of the Clusiaceae - Mangosteen family.

Other species of the Hypericum genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Hypericum brachyphyllum - COASTALPLAIN ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum canadense - LESSER CANADIAN ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum chapmanii - APALACHICOLA ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum cistifolium - ROUNDPOD ST. JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum edisonianum - ARCADIAN ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum fasciculatum - SANDWEED
  Hypericum frondosum  - CEDARGLADE ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum gymnanthum - CLASPINGLEAF ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum hypericoides - ST.ANDREW'S-CROSS
  Hypericum mutilum - DWARF ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum myrtifolium - MYRTLELEAF ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum tenuifolium - ATLANTIC ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum tetrapetalum - FOURPETAL ST.JOHN'S-WORT

Date record last modified: Jan 16, 2025

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com