Wild Florida Photo - Hypericum canadense - Lesser Canadian St.john's-wort

Hypericum canadense L.

Lesser Canadian St.john's-wort

Florida native

Nassau Co. FL 09/25/05
Nassau Co. FL 09/25/05
Nassau Co. FL 09/25/05

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An occasional wildflower of pond margins, bogs and wet flatwoods in northeast Florida and some central and western panhandle counties. The range includes all of the United States east of the Mississippi River plus Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon & Washington state. Also found in eastern Canada.
The four-anlged usually single stems grow from 5-75cm (2 to 29-1/2 in.) tall, sometimes branching in the upper part. Leaves are opposite with pairs spirally arranged going up the stem. The linear to linear-oblanceolate leaves have translucent dots and are typically one-nerved but occasionally three-nerved. The yellow five-petaled flowers may appear singly or in simple cymes. The petals are often about the length of or shorter than the sepals. The 15 stamens are grouped into three loose clusters.
Hypericum canadense leaves have a similar appearance as those of H. cistifolium, the latter having petals that are significantly longer than the sepals and many more than 15 stamens.

Hypericum canadense is a member of the Clusiaceae - Mangosteen family.

Other species of the Hypericum genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Hypericum brachyphyllum - COASTALPLAIN ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum chapmanii - APALACHICOLA ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum cistifolium - ROUNDPOD ST. JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum cumulicola - HIGHLANDS SCRUB ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum edisonianum - ARCADIAN ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum fasciculatum - SANDWEED
  Hypericum frondosum  - CEDARGLADE ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum gymnanthum - CLASPINGLEAF ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum hypericoides - ST.ANDREW'S-CROSS
  Hypericum mutilum - DWARF ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum myrtifolium - MYRTLELEAF ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum tenuifolium - ATLANTIC ST.JOHN'S-WORT
  Hypericum tetrapetalum - FOURPETAL ST.JOHN'S-WORT

Date record last modified: Apr 13, 2024

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com