Wild Florida Photo - Spiranthes sylvatica - Woodland Ladiestresses

Spiranthes sylvatica 

Woodland Ladiestresses

Synonym(s): Spiranthes praecox

Florida native

Marion Co. FL 04/15/06
Levy Co. FL 04/15/06
Levy Co. FL 04/15/06

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A frequent terrestrial orchid of dry open hammocks in north Florida west to the Apalachicola River and south into the central peninsula.
Spiranthes sylvatica is now considered the same species as Spiranthes praecox. Some botanists suggest that S. sylvatica it is an ecotype or be treated as a subspecies.

Spiranthes sylvatica is a member of the Orchidaceae - Orchid family.

Other species of the Spiranthes genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Spiranthes brevilabris - TEXAS LADY'S TRESSES
  Spiranthes cernua - NODDING LADIESTRESSES
  Spiranthes eatonii - EATON'S LADIESTRESSES
  Spiranthes laciniata - LACELIP LADIESTRESSES
  Spiranthes odorata - FRAGRANT LADIESTRESSES
  Spiranthes praecox - GREENVEIN LADIESTRESSES
  Spiranthes vernalis - SPRING LADIESTRESSES

Date record last modified: Apr 17, 2019

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com