Senega lewtonii (Small)
Lewton's Milkwort
Synonym(s): Polygala lewtonii Small
Florida native
Endemic to Florida
Endangered Florida species
U.S. Endangered species
An occasional herb of sandhills from Marion to Highlands Counties and east into Brevard County.
The erect to nearly decumbent stems may be from 1-2.5dm (4 to 10 in.) long. Leaves are usually alternate and spatulate to linear-oblong. Flowers are pink to pale-purple in loose racemes.
Senega lewtonii is a member of the Polygalaceae - Milkwort family.
Other species of the Senega genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
Senega boykinii - BOYKIN'S MILKWORT
Senega cruciata - DRUMHEADS
Senega incarnata - PROCESSION FLOWER
Senega lutea - ORANGE MILKWORT
Senega nana - CANDYROOT
Senega rugelii - YELLOW MILKWORT
Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants (Institute for Systemic Botany) profile for this species
iNaturalist profile for this species
USDA Plant Profile for this species
Date record last modified: Aug 22, 2024