Wild Florida Photo - Juncus scirpoides - Needlepod Rush

Juncus scirpoides Lam.

Needlepod Rush

Florida native

Volusia Co. FL 07/10/10
Volusia Co. FL 07/10/10
Volusia Co. FL 07/10/10
Volusia Co. FL 07/10/10

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A common rush of wet flatwoods, bogs, pond margins and marshes throughout most of Florida except for the Keys. The range extends through much of the eastern United Staes, west into Texas to Nebraska, north into Wisconsin and Michigan and northeast into New York.
A perennial with a cylindrical culm tapering upward to 7dm (27-1/2 in.) tall. The infloresences are in panicles of somewhat spherical heads that are often lobed. The flowers have tepals of nearly equal length that are green to straw-colored.

Juncus scirpoides is a member of the Juncaceae - Rush family.

Other species of the Juncus genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Juncus effusus var. solutus - SOFT RUSH
  Juncus megacephalus - BIGHEAD RUSH
  Juncus roemerianus - NEEDLE RUSH

Date record last modified: Jul 27, 2024

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com