Amanita sp.
Amanita Mushrooms
Florida native
The Amanita genus contains some of the most toxic mushrooms known.
Amanita sp. is a member of the Amanitaceae - Amanita Mushrooms and Allies family.
Other species of the Amanita genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
Amanita persicina - PEACH-COLORED FLY AGARIC
Amanita subgenus Amanita - Section Vaginatae
Amanita subgenus Aminita - Section Amanita
Amanita subgenus Aminita - Section Roanokenses
iNaturalist profile for this species
For more information on this species, visit the following link:
The Mushroom Expert page for this genus
Date record last modified: Dec 28, 2023