Columba livia Gmelin, 1789
Rock Pigeon
Rock Dove
Common Pigeon
Not native to Florida
A common bird of towns and cities, farms and rocky cliffs practically world-wide. Pigeons originated in the Old World of southern Europe, northern Africa and western Asia.
Rock pigeon plumage is highly variable, most commonly with a light gray body and wings, two black bands on the wings and with a darker gray tail, neck and head. The tip of the tail is frequently black and most noticable in flight. The neck often shows iridescent colors in bright light. Also called rock doves or ferel pigeons, they are 30-36cm (~12-14 in.) long with a wingspan of 50-67cm (~20-26 in.).
Columba livia is a member of the Columbidae - Doves and Pigeons family.
iNaturalist profile for this species
For more information on this species, visit the following link:
Cornell Lab All About Birds page for this species
Date record last modified: Dec 27, 2024