Wild Florida Photo - Pygodasis quadrimaculata - Large Four-spotted Scoliid Wasp

Pygodasis quadrimaculata (Fabricus 1775)

Large Four-spotted Scoliid Wasp

Synonym(s): Campsomeris quadrimaculata (Fabricius)

Florida native

Volusia Co. FL 07/10/10
Volusia Co. FL 07/10/10

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Found in Florida and throughout much of the eastern United States.
For more information about this and other scolid wasps see the University of Florida/IFAS entomology dept. Featured Creatures page for Scolid wasps of Florida.


Pygodasis quadrimaculata is a member of the Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps family.

For more information on this species, visit the following link:
Bugguide.net page for this species

Date record last modified: Aug 09, 2024

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com