Wild Florida Photo - Celithemis eponina - Halloween Pennant

Celithemis eponina (Drury, 1773)

Halloween Pennant

Florida native

Volusia Co. FL 06/12/07
Polk Co. FL 05/16/04

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A common dragonfly found in and near ponds, lakes and marshes throughout Florida. The range includes all of the the eastern United States, west into Colorado to Texas and extends north into southeastern Canada. Also found in Cuba and the Bahamas.
Halloween pennants have pale yellowish-orange wings with multiple dark-brown bands that extend from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the wings. Females and juveniles have a yellow stripe on top of abdominal segments 3 through 7, this stripe often turns reddish in mature males. Males also have red wing veins and stigmas. Females have yellow stigmas.
These dragonflies typically rest at the top of tall plants in open fields, often holding the hindwings mostly horizontal and the forewings somewhat upright.


Celithemis eponina is a member of the Libellulidae - Skimmers family.

Other species of the Celithemis genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Celithemis bertha - RED-VEINED PENNANT
  Celithemis ornata - ORNATE PENNANT

For more information on this species, visit the following link:
Bugguide.net page for this species

Date record last modified: May 14, 2024

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com