Wild Florida Photo - Vachellia - thorn trees, Shittah trees genus


Vachellia Wight & Arn.

thorn trees, Shittah trees

Vachellia has been split off from the genus Acacia.

Vachellia Vachellia 

showing leaves, flowers and thorns
The species that were recently considered Acacia that are native to Florida with capitate inflorescences (round, head-like flowers) and spinescent stipules are now in the genus Vachellia. leaving only three non-native Acacia species in the state.

Species of the Vachellia genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:

  Vachellia farnesiana
    var. farnesiana

Sweet Acacia
Vachellia farnesiana

  Vachellia farnesiana
    var. pinetorum

Pineland Acacia
Vachellia farnesiana

  Vachellia sphaerocephala
Bee Wattle
Vachellia sphaerocephala

The genus Vachellia is a member of the Fabaceae - Pea family.
