Wild Florida Photo - Family: Pteridaceae - Maidenhair Fern



Maidenhair Fern

Adiantum capillus-veneris
Venus'-hair Fern
ferns on side of sink

Members of the Pteridaceae family at Wild Florida Photo:
Acrostichum - leatherfern

1 species of Acrostichum at Wild Florida Photo

Acrostichum danaeifolium
Giant Leather Fern
close-up of pinnae showing the sori

Adiantum - maidenhair fern

1 species of Adiantum at Wild Florida Photo

Adiantum capillus-veneris
Venus'-hair Fern
two fronds

Pteris - brake fern

2 species of Pteris at Wild Florida Photo

Pteris vittata
Chinese Ladder Brake
underside of pinna tip

Vittaria - shoestring fern

1 species of Vittaria at Wild Florida Photo

Vittaria lineata
Shoestring Fern
young ferns and white Octoblepharum moss

Click on the genus name to see the species of that genus at Wild Florida Photo

Pteridaceae is a member of the Order Polypodiales 
