Wild Florida Photo - Family: Myrtaceae - Myrtle




Myrcianthes fragrans
Simpson's Stopper
branch showing leaves flowers & buds
Members of this family that have "stopper" as part of their common name can be found in two genera of Myrtaceae, Eugenia and Myrcianthes. There is also a stopper in the mint family Lamiaceae, Petitia domingensis

Members of the Myrtaceae family at Wild Florida Photo:
Eugenia - stopper

1 species of Eugenia at Wild Florida Photo

Melaleuca - melaleuca

2 species of Melaleuca at Wild Florida Photo

Melaleuca quinquenervia
leaves and fruit

Myrcianthes - myrcianthes

1 species of Myrcianthes at Wild Florida Photo

Myrcianthes fragrans
Simpson's Stopper
leafy branches with berry

Psidium - guava

1 species of Psidium at Wild Florida Photo

Psidium cattleianum
Strawberry Guava
side view from below

Click on the genus name to see the species of that genus at Wild Florida Photo

Myrtaceae is a member of the Order Myrtales 
