Wild Florida Photo - Family: Acanthaceae - Acanthus




Ruellia caroliniensis
Carolina Wild Petunia
two wild petunia flowers
One of the common characteristics of this family is the decussate pattern of the leaves, meaning that the leaves are opposite with each pair at a right angle to the previous and following pair.

Members of the Acanthaceae family at Wild Florida Photo:
Avicennia - Avicennia

1 species of Avicennia at Wild Florida Photo

Avicennia germinans
Black Mangrove
pneumatophores around trunk of mangrove

Dicliptera - foldwing

1 species of Dicliptera at Wild Florida Photo

Dicliptera sexangularis
Sixangle Foldwing
closer view of flowers and large leaf

Dyschoriste - snakeherb

2 species of Dyschoriste at Wild Florida Photo

Dyschoriste humistrata
Swamp Twinflower

Justicia - water-willow

3 species of Justicia at Wild Florida Photo

Justicia angusta
Pineland Waterwillow
two flowers from above

Pseuderanthemum - false Eranthemum

1 species of Pseuderanthemum at Wild Florida Photo

Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum
Shooting Star
flower, close-up front view

Ruellia - wild petunia

2 species of Ruellia at Wild Florida Photo

Ruellia caroliniensis
Carolina Wild Petunia

Thunbergia - thunbergia

2 species of Thunbergia at Wild Florida Photo

Thunbergia grandiflora
vine with flower overhead

Click on the genus name to see the species of that genus at Wild Florida Photo

Acanthaceae is a member of the Order Lamiales 
