Wild Florida Photo - Family: Plantaginaceae - PlantainFamily
Plantago lanceolata
Narrowleaf Plantain
plant in bloom
Members of the Plantaginaceae family at Wild Florida Photo:Bacopa - waterhyssop
1 species of Bacopa at Wild Florida Photo
Bacopa caroliniana
Lemon Bacopa
mass of plants showing growth form
Gratiola - hedgehyssop
0 species of Gratiola at Wild Florida Photo
Sophronanthe hispida
Rough Hedgehyssop
flowers, stem & leaves
Mecardonia - axilflower
2 species of Mecardonia at Wild Florida Photo
Mecardonia acuminata
stems and leaves
Nuttallanthus - American toadflax
1 species of Nuttallanthus at Wild Florida Photo
Nuttallanthus canadensis
Canadian Toadflax
flowers close-up
Plantago - plantain
2 species of Plantago at Wild Florida Photo
Plantago lanceolata
Narrowleaf Plantain
plants in bloom
Sophronanthe1 species of Sophronanthe at Wild Florida Photo
Sophronanthe hispida
Rough Hedgehyssop
plants in bloom
Click on the genus name to see the species of that genus at Wild Florida Photo
Plantaginaceae is a member of the Order Plantaginales