Wild Florida Photo - Family: Polypodiaceae - PolypodyFamily
Pecluma plumula
Plume Polypody
frond with sunlight shining through
Members of the Polypodiaceae family at Wild Florida Photo:Campyloneurum - strapfern
1 species of Campyloneurum at Wild Florida Photo
Campyloneurum phyllitidis
Long Strap Fern
showing both sides of fronds
Pecluma - rockcap fern
2 species of Pecluma at Wild Florida Photo
Pecluma plumula
Plume Polypody
several ferns on live oak tree trunk
Phlebodium - golden polypody
1 species of Phlebodium at Wild Florida Photo
Phlebodium aureum
Golden Polypody
underside of blade close-up showing sori
Pleopeltis - scaly polypody
1 species of Pleopeltis at Wild Florida Photo
Pleopeltis michauxiana
Resurrection Fern
ferns on live oak
Click on the genus name to see the species of that genus at Wild Florida Photo
Polypodiaceae is a member of the Order Polypodiales