Wild Florida Photo - Family: Araceae - ArumFamily
Members of the Araceae family at Wild Florida Photo:Alocasia - taro
1 species of Alocasia at Wild Florida Photo
Alocasia macrorrhizos
Giant Taro
plants in dry spring run
Arisaema - Jack in the pulpit
3 species of Arisaema at Wild Florida Photo
Arisaema acuminatum
Florida Jack-in-the-pulpit
side view of plant with flower
Colocasia - colocasia
1 species of Colocasia at Wild Florida Photo
Colocasia esculenta
Wild Taro
Landoltia - duckmeat
1 species of Landoltia at Wild Florida Photo
Landoltia punctata
Dotted Duckweed
duckweed leaves covering the water
Orontium - goldenclub
1 species of Orontium at Wild Florida Photo
Orontium aquaticum
Golden Club
flower spike
Peltandra - arrow arum
1 species of Peltandra at Wild Florida Photo
Peltandra virginica
Green Arrow Arum
plants in creek
Pistia - pistia
1 species of Pistia at Wild Florida Photo
Pistia stratiotes
floating plants
Syngonium - syngonium
1 species of Syngonium at Wild Florida Photo
Syngonium podophyllum
American Evergreen
vine on tree trunk
Thaumatophyllum1 species of Thaumatophyllum at Wild Florida Photo
Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum
Tree Philodendron
plant in local park
Click on the genus name to see the species of that genus at Wild Florida Photo
Araceae is a member of the Order Arales