Brachymesia - tropical pennants
1 species of Brachymesia at Wild Florida PhotoBrachymesia gravida
Four-spotted Pennant
view of top side of wings from behind
Celithemis - pennants
3 species of Celithemis at Wild Florida PhotoCelithemis eponina
Halloween Pennant
adult male perched on twig
Erythemis - pondhawks
1 species of Erythemis at Wild Florida PhotoErythemis simplicicollis
Eastern Pondhawk
male viewed from above and behind
Erythrodiplax - dragonlets
3 species of Erythrodiplax at Wild Florida PhotoErythrodiplax minuscula
Little Blue Dragonlet
female or immature
Libellula - skimmers, corporals, whitetails
5 species of Libellula at Wild Florida PhotoLibellula vibrans
Great Blue Skimmer
side view
Orthemis - tropical king skimmers
1 species of Orthemis at Wild Florida PhotoOrthemis ferruginea
Roseate Skimmer
male, pink form - close-up angled view
Pachydiplax - blue dashers
1 species of Pachydiplax at Wild Florida PhotoPachydiplax longipennis
Blue Dasher
juvenile side view
Perithemis - amberwings
1 species of Perithemis at Wild Florida PhotoPerithemis tenera
Eastern Amberwing
side view
Plathemis - whitetails
1 species of Plathemis at Wild Florida PhotoPlathemis lydia
Common Whitetail
male perched on grass-like stem
Tramea - saddlebags
2 species of Tramea at Wild Florida PhotoTramea carolina
Carolina Saddlebags
perched with raindrops falling