Chroicocephalus - masked gulls
1 species of Chroicocephalus at Wild Florida PhotoChroicocephalus philadelphia
Bonaparte's Gull
adult non-breeding on water
Larus - large white-headed gulls
5 species of Larus at Wild Florida PhotoLarus delawarensis
Ring-billed Gull
in flight
Leucophaeus - hooded gulls
0 species of Leucophaeus at Wild Florida PhotoLeucophaeus atricilla
Laughing Gull
non-breeding plumage, side view
Rynchops - skimmers
1 species of Rynchops at Wild Florida PhotoRynchops niger
Black Skimmer
adult skimming
Sterna - typical terns
2 species of Sterna at Wild Florida PhotoSterna antillarum
Least Tern
side view with another tern in background
Thalasseus - crested terns
2 species of Thalasseus at Wild Florida PhotoThalasseus maxima
Royal Tern
breeding adult side view in flight